Photo taken from Liza's Weibo

Washing toilets is fine for Liza Wang, just babies frighten her
Liza Wang, Ha Yu, Kevin Cheng and Bernice Liu attended the costume fitting for TVB new series
Playing as Liza's son, Kevin also expressed that he doesn't have "prince illness". He said: "Chores, I believe anyone knows how to do. It's just if your willing to do it, if the area is just too dirty and can't wait for the worker to clean it, I will do it myself." First time working with Liza, Kevin expressed that there's not too much pressure. He praised that Liza is easy to get along with and that this obstacle of working with Liza won't be hard for him. In the series, Bernice plays a bad girl who has a 3 year old daughter. Bernice expressed that her role isn't really bad, it's just that she's gone through some rough experiences.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.net/forums/